Suffering From Chronic Tendon Pain? You May be A Candidate for Surgery-Free Treatment With Tenex Hea

It’s not unusual for minor flare-ups of tendinitis to slow you down temporarily. However, when the condition becomes chronic, the pain and mobility limitations can impact daily living. If you’re an active person kept off the tennis courts or golf links, it’s inconvenient enough. But chronic tendonitis –medically called tendonosis – may make even simple tasks, such as getting dressed, difficult.
The progression of tendinitis
Tendinitis is an inflammatory condition that typically results from overuse of a joint that causes swelling of that joint’s soft tissue. Most cases resolve with rest and modest self-care, such as cold compresses and over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, like ibuprofen and naproxen.
Those who push themselves or “play through the pain” run the risk of the inflammation becoming chronic, lasting more than four weeks. When tendonosis develops, chances for spontaneous healing decline. Necrotic tissue develops and never fully heals, compromising mobility as well as the strength of the tendon itself.
Traditional treatments of tendonosis
When home care doesn’t produce results, stronger anti-inflammatories including corticosteroid injections were often used. However, steroid injections are a short-term treatment that can compromise the strength of tendons, increasing the risk of rupture.
Physical therapy can be effective in some cases, and it’s often used as a first-line treatment, since it’s conservative with few risks of complications. However, it’s not an effective approach in every case. Surgery is sometimes necessary, particularly if a tendon is ruptured, but this is usually a last-resort technique with long recovery times.
Tenex Health TX treatments
A minimally invasive alternative to surgery, Tenex Health TX™ treatment uses a different approach to treating chronic tendon pain. More conservative treatments encourage natural healing through improved blood flow in the areas surrounding the tendon inflammation. While this is a sound strategy, it’s not always effective, particularly if the healing cycle doesn’t progress fast enough to overcome tendon damage.
Tenex Health TX pinpoints and breaks down damaged tendon tissue using a minimally invasive procedure. Damaged tissue is located using conventional ultrasound imaging, then the TX tool, resembling a needle, is inserted after you’re given a local anesthetic. The tool also uses ultrasound technology to break down and remove the damaged tissue, leaving surrounding, healthy tissue unaffected.
Non-surgical technique
The incision required for the Tenex Health TX procedure is so small, it’s usually covered afterward with an ordinary bandage with no stitches required. In most cases, recovery occurs within four to six weeks after the procedure.
As the Tenex Health TX tool treats the damaged tissue, one of the causes of chronic inflammation disappears. The body’s healing response gains the advantage and the natural repair of the injured area now progresses more quickly, since the damaged tissue no longer draws resources away from the normal healing process.
The source of your chronic tendon pain doesn’t matter. Tenex Health TX treats damaged tendon tissue regardless of whether it’s the result of repetitive motion at work or from a sports-related activity. Since healthy tissue isn’t damaged during treatment, you have the best chance of making a full and fast recovery. Contact my office in Houston, TX, by phone or online and schedule a consultation today. Don’t endure chronic tendon pain any longer.
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