Sports Medicine: Getting You Back in the Game

There are more than 8.6 million sports or recreational activity injuries every year. While many injuries are minor and require only icing, bracing, rest, to overcome, plenty of people head to the doctor’s office seeking to regain their flexibility, mobility, and strength. A sports medicine doctor is uniquely positioned to help athletes and active youngsters get back in the game quickly.
From his multiple sports medicine offices in Houston and Sugar Land, Texas, Dr. J Michael Bennett sees and treats sports injuries every day. His training as an orthopedic surgeon and background in sports medicine allows him to manage the care of injuries to joints, bones, ligaments, and tendons, giving you back your ability to participate in the activities you love.
Typical sports injuries
Sports demand much from your body. Your joints can be pushed to the limit as you sprint, stop suddenly, change direction quickly, collide with another player, or perform the same motion over and over. Ligaments and tendons can get torn or stretched, and bones can even break under certain circumstances.
The following are some of the most common injuries experienced by athletes and active people:
- Sprains — overstretching or tearing of a ligament
- Strains — overstretching or tearing of a muscle
- Rotator cuff injuries
- Joint damage
- Tendon damage (i.e. torn or ruptured Achilles)
- Fractures, also known as broken bones.
- Dislocations — when a bone is forced out of its socket
How sports medicine can help
Sports medicine is designed to specifically handle the health of athletes and active people. This can mean optimizing performance, designing workout and nutrition plans, or managing injuries and rehabilitation.
Treatment options for sports injuries
For minor injuries, the R.I.C.E. protocol may be enough. This simple to remember acronym stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. If pain worsens, keeps you from sleeping, or swelling refuses to subside, it’s best to visit our office for an exam, diagnostics, and a diagnosis.
Dr. Bennett prefers to use nonsurgical forms of treatment for sports injuries when possible, and may discuss one or more of the following options with you:
- Over the counter or prescription medications
- Physical therapy
- Bracing a joint
- Removing tendon scar tissue with Tenex Health TX™
- Using MLS laser therapy to relieve pain from an injury
- Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
If these solutions don’t completely restore your health, arthroscopic surgery, which is completed through tiny incisions using very small tools, can often repair an injury and get you back in the game.
If you have a sports injury, please contact our office by calling one of our locations or by scheduling an appointment online.
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